History for Wiki Page Importing-A-Subversion-Repository

Page: 12
14 years ago
rs picture

Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. The process is fully automated and you can do it anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. *For the eager and impatient, here is a summary of the import process*: * Take a _dump_ file using: <br /> @svnadmin dump <repository> > repo.dump@ <br /> "More details here":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html. * You may compress the _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ * "Upload it":/subversion/upload/ * "Import it":/subversion/import/ * "Wait for it to be completed":/support/completed/ (automated!) For the full guide tour including screenshots, please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h2. Importing the Uploaded Subversion Dump File One the upload is complete. You should see a page as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete.png Click on the "import facility":/subversion/import/ link. You should see a form as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file.png * Pick a repository you'd like it to be imported into * Click on *Import* The import page is also available from your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link.png h2. Monitoring the Subversion Import Once you have click on the *Import* button, you should see the following notice: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice.png You can monitor the upload from your "support page":/support/. Each upload request will generated a new support ticket and the system will automatically perform these imports: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running.png Once an import is completed, the ticket should be moved to your "completed support ticket list":/support/completed/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice.png h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com Page has been moved to the "documentation site":http://docs.xp-dev.com/user-guide/sourcecontrol.html http://docs.xp-dev.com/user-guide/sourcecontrol.html

15 years ago
rs picture
rs picture

Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. The process is fully automated and you can do it anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. *For the eager and impatient, here is a summary of the import process*: * Take a _dump_ file using: @svnadmin dump <repository> > repo.dump@ . * You may compress the _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ * "Upload it":/subversion/upload/ * "Import it":/subversion/import/ * "Wait for it to be completed":/support/completed/ (automated!) For the patient, please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h2. Importing the Uploaded Subversion Dump File One the upload is complete. You should see a page as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete.png Click on the "import":/subversion/import/ link. You should see a form as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file.png * Pick a repository you'd like it to be imported into * Click on *Import* The import page is also available from your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link.png h2. Monitoring the Subversion Import Once you have click on the *Import* button, you should see the following notice: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice.png You can monitor the upload from your *support page*:/support/. Each upload request will generated a new support ticket and the system will automatically perform these imports: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running.png Once an import is completed, the ticket should be moved to your "completed support ticket list":/support/completed/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice.png h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. The process is fully automated and you can do it anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. *For the eager and impatient, here is a summary of the import process*: * Take a _dump_ file using: <br /> @svnadmin dump <repository> > repo.dump@ <br /> "More details here":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html. * You may compress the _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ * "Upload it":/subversion/upload/ * "Import it":/subversion/import/ * "Wait for it to be completed":/support/completed/ (automated!) For the full guide tour including screenshots, please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h2. Importing the Uploaded Subversion Dump File One the upload is complete. You should see a page as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete.png Click on the "import facility":/subversion/import/ link. You should see a form as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file.png * Pick a repository you'd like it to be imported into * Click on *Import* The import page is also available from your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link.png h2. Monitoring the Subversion Import Once you have click on the *Import* button, you should see the following notice: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice.png You can monitor the upload from your "support page":/support/. Each upload request will generated a new support ticket and the system will automatically perform these imports: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running.png Once an import is completed, the ticket should be moved to your "completed support ticket list":/support/completed/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice.png

rs picture

Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. *For the eager and impatient, here is a summary of the import process*: * Take a _dump_ file using: @svnadmin dump <repository> > repo.dump@ . * You may compress the _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ * "Upload it":/subversion/upload/ * "Import it":/subversion/import/ * "Wait for it to be completed":/support/completed/ (automated!) For the patient, please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h2. Importing the Uploaded Subversion Dump File One the upload is complete. You should see a page as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete.png Click on the "import":/subversion/import/ link. You should see a form as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file.png * Pick a repository you'd like it to be imported into * Click on *Import* The import page is also available from your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link.png h2. Monitoring the Subversion Import Once you have click on the *Import* button, you should see the following notice: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice.png You can monitor the upload from your *support page*:/support/. Each upload request will generated a new support ticket and the system will automatically perform these imports: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running.png Once an import is completed, the ticket should be moved to your "completed support ticket list":/support/completed/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice.png h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. The process is fully automated and you can do it anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. *For the eager and impatient, here is a summary of the import process*: * Take a _dump_ file using: @svnadmin dump <repository> > repo.dump@ . * You may compress the _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ * "Upload it":/subversion/upload/ * "Import it":/subversion/import/ * "Wait for it to be completed":/support/completed/ (automated!) For the patient, please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h2. Importing the Uploaded Subversion Dump File One the upload is complete. You should see a page as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete.png Click on the "import":/subversion/import/ link. You should see a form as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file.png * Pick a repository you'd like it to be imported into * Click on *Import* The import page is also available from your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link.png h2. Monitoring the Subversion Import Once you have click on the *Import* button, you should see the following notice: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice.png You can monitor the upload from your *support page*:/support/. Each upload request will generated a new support ticket and the system will automatically perform these imports: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running.png Once an import is completed, the ticket should be moved to your "completed support ticket list":/support/completed/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice.png

rs picture

Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. *For the eager and impatient, here is a summary of the import process*: * Take a _dump_ file using: @svnadmin dump <repository> > repo.dump@ . * You may compress the _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ * "Upload it":/subversion/upload/ * "Import it":/subversion/import/ * "Wait for it to be completed":/support/completed/ (automated!) For the patient, please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress h2. Importing the Uploaded Subversion Dump File One the upload is complete. You should see a page as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-complete.png Click on the "import":/subversion/import/ link. You should see a form as below: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-file.png * Pick a repository you'd like it to be imported into * Click on *Import* The import page is also available from your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/svn-import-link.png h2. Monitoring the Subversion Import Once you have click on the *Import* button, you should see the following notice: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-notice.png You can monitor the upload from your *support page*:/support/. Each upload request will generated a new support ticket and the system will automatically perform these imports: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-running.png Once an import is completed, the ticket should be moved to your "completed support ticket list":/support/completed/ p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/import-complete-notice.png

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Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. rs@laptop:/tmp$ svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called myrepository.dump. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/ h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called *myrepository.dump*. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/. h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File You may compress the file _dump_ file using "GZip":http://www.gzip.org/ compression: bc. gzip myrepository.dump *Windows users*: You can use "7-Zip":http://www.7-zip.org/ to compress your file using GZip compression. "Official list of GZip programs":http://www.gzip.org/#exe h2. Uploading the Subversion Dump File Head over to your "Subversion upload form":/subversion/upload/. This link can also be found on your "Subversion homepage":/subversion/ under *Import a Subversion Repository*. Pick a file and click on the *Send* button: p=. !http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload-small.png!:http://rs-staticimg.h.xp-dev.com/svn-import/upload.png p=. Upload in progress

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Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. rs@laptop:/tmp$ svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump "Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository "SVN Book Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. rs@laptop:/tmp$ svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump You should see a file called myrepository.dump. This is the file that you need to upload to "XP-Dev.com":/ h3. Optional: Compressing the Subversion Dump File

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Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository You will need to take a _dump_ of your Subversion repository. "Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository You will need to take a _dump_ of your current Subversion repository. Most hosted Subversion providers will have a way to export your repository using the "Subversion Dump" file format. Please contact your current provider for further details. To export a _dump_ file, run the following command on your repository. Example below assumes your repository is called @myrepository@. Please substitute this with your repository location: bc. rs@laptop:/tmp$ svnadmin dump myrepository > myrepository.dump "Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html

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Text: h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. {toc} h2. Exporting the current Subversion Repository h1. Importing a Subversion Repository into XP-Dev.com <span style="color:red;">*You need to be the repository owner to be able to perform the following steps*</span> If your Subversion repository is on a different provider, or hosted elsewhere, you can move to XP-Dev.com easily. Please do follow these steps: {toc} h2. Exporting Your Current Subversion Repository You will need to take a _dump_ of your Subversion repository. "Reference Guide":http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.ref.svnadmin.c.dump.html

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